CNRS Researcher at LAAS
I am a senior researcher at LAAS-CNRS, in Toulouse. My research interests include the formal verification of concurrent and distributed systems; methods and tools for checking the safety of critical embedded systems; concurrency semantics, and in particular mobile and higher-order process calculi; as well as type systems and static analysis.
I am now part of the TRUST research team (for Trustworthy systems: foundations and practices), where I most particularly develop new verification methods and tools for checking properties of critical systems having strong temporal and timing requirements.
Research Interests#
Formal Methods and their applications (e.g. for security, robotics, diagnosability, …)
Model-Checking and Formal Verification, as well as the implementation of related software tools
Petri nets and their timed extensions
Safety Critical Embedded Systems, and Architectural languages for their use in Model-Based System Engineering
Process Calculi and Concurrency Semantics (pi calculus, mobile ambients, …)
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