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MCC Tool at Petri 2020 (Best Teaser Video)

MCC Tool at Petri 2020 (Best Teaser Video)

·163 words

A tool paper about MCC—our software for transformings models of High-Level Petri nets, given in PNML, into equivalent Place/Transition nets, not the competition!—has been accepted at Petri Nets 2020. You can find more about it here:

MCC: a Tool for Unfolding Colored Petri Nets in PNML Format
Verification Tools Petri Mcc
Silvano Dal Zilio
In ICATPN 202041st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency, jun 2020.

Like many conferences this year, Petri Nets happened as a virtual event, with prerecorded videos of the talks, including a short (3 minutes) teaser video to introduce each paper. You can find these videos on the official YouTube channel for the conference, including a tool demonstration video.

The videos for MCC won several awards this year, so I strongly suggest that you go and watch them ;-)