Oct 20218 — Oct 2021.
“In a perfect world, models would always be correct and verification tools would answer all our questions. In the Daedalus project, we are preparing for an imperfect world.”
Daedalus (Debugging Architecture Description Languages ) is a project funded by RTRA STAE. Its main objective is to bridge the gap between: (1) automatic generation of code that is correct by construction; and (2) automatic verification of behavioral models.
March 2016 — Dec 2019.
Synapse is a project developping new technologies for Earth Observation space systems (smart programming of constellations, onboard and ground autonomous processing, ground infrastructures for big data processing).
This project is supported by PIA (Projet Investissements d’Avenir) and the Embedded Systems technology domain at IRT Saint-Exupéry.
Dec 2015 — Apr 2019.
MOISE is a project on methods and tools for model-based collaborative system engineering (requirement engineering, multi-view modeling and verification, system engineering in extended enterprise).
This project was supported by PIA (Projet Investissements d’Avenir) and the Embedded Systems technology domain at IRT Saint-Exupéry.
May 2017 — Oct 2017.
This project is a direct collaboration with SCALIAN Eurogiciel to work on a middleware for communication protocol virtualization that is faithfull with respect to timing constraints.
Dec 2013 — Nov. 2016
Ingequip is a project on Methods and tools for equipment engineering (system-hardware-software co-design, component-based development methods, formal verification methods).
This project was supported by PIA (Projet Investissements d’Avenir) and the Embedded Systems technology domain at IRT Saint-Exupéry.
Apr 2013 — Sep 2016.
BRiefcaSE is a basic research project that targets methods involved in the specification, validation and verification of safety critical systems.
This project was part of the IFSE working group, an animation and reflexion group, financed by the RTRA STAE, concerned with formal methods for system engineering.
Apr 2012 — Dec 2015.
The purpose of the openETCS project is to follow an open approach (Open Proofs and Open Source) for developping an integrated modeling, validation and testing framework for the ETCS, the European Train Control System.
Apr 2009 — Nov 2012.
Quarteft (QUAlifiable Real TimE Fiacre Transformations) is a project funded by FNRAE, the Fondation de la Recherche pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace. The goal of the project is to study formal specification language and qualifiable model transformations in the context of critical embedded systems.
Oct 2008 — Dec 2011.
ITEmIS (Integrated Embedded Systems and Information Systems) is a project funded by ANR. The goal of the project is to define an abstract reference system architecture, a methodology, and a set of algorithms (transformed into tools, mechanisms, protocols and correctness verification algorithms) for realizing large systems of systems, integrating multiple levels, from information systems to mobile, embedded systems.
Mar 2009 — Jun 2012.
CESAR stands for Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems; it is a European funded project from ARTEMIS JOINT UNDERTAKING (JU).