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“CESAR” stands for Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems and is a European funded project from ARTEMIS JOINT UNDERTAKING (JU).

The three transportation domains automotive, aerospace, and rail, as well as the automation domain share the need to develop ultra-reliable embedded systems to meet societal demands for increased mobility and ensuring safety in a highly competitive global market.

To maintain the European leading edge position in the transportation as well as automation market, CESAR aims to boost cost efficiency of embedded systems development and safety and certification processes by an order of magnitude.

CESAR pursuits a multi-domain approach integrating large enterprises, suppliers, SME’s and vendors of cross sectoral domains and cooperating with leading research organizations and innovative SME’s.


The embedded safety-critical systems design and development industry is facing increasing complexity and variety of systems and devices, coupled with increasing regulatory constraints while costs, performances and time to market are constantly challenged.

This has led to a profusion of enablers (new processes, methods and tools), which are neither integrated nor interoperable because they have been developed more or less independently, addressing only a part of the complexity issue, such as safety. The absence of internationally recognized open standards is a limiting factor in terms of industrial performance when companies have to select among these enablers.

CESAR will bring significant and conclusive innovations in the two most improvable systems engineering disciplines:

  • Requirements engineering in particular through formalization of multi viewpoint, multi criteria and multi level requirements,

  • Component based engineering applied to design space exploration comprising multi-view, multi-criteria and multi level architecture trade-offs.

Multi-viewpoint based development processes assure that not only functional aspects but also safety, costs, robustness, timeliness, etc. are captured and documented in a form allowing validation and verification to be performed. Multi-criteria based design processes allow for optimization of designs to multiple objectives functions for such extra-functional characteristics of designs, a key for achieving competitive products. Multi-level design flows cover all stages from initial concepts through requirements through specification to design and implementation, typically crossing multiple stages in supplier chains. The combination of these aspects will allow movement towards “first-time-right” designs, where the actual integration phases are free of negative surprises.

In addition, CESAR intends to provide industrial companies with a breakthrough in system development by deploying a customizable systems engineering “Reference Technology Platform” (RTP) making it possible to integrate or interoperate existing or emerging available technologies. This will be a significant step forward in terms of industrial performance improvement that will help to establish de-facto standards and contribute to the standardization effort from a European perspective. Relying on use-cases and scenarios from Aerospace, Automotive, Automation and Railway, CESAR is strongly industry driven. Benefiting from this multi-domains point of views, CESAR addresses safety aspects of transportation and other societal mobility and environmental demands.


  • AVL List GmbH.
  • AIRBUS Deutschland GmbH.
  • AIRBUS France SAS
  • ABB AS
  • ABB AB
  • AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH.
  • ACCIONA Infraestructuras S.A.
  • Ansaldo STS S.p.A.
  • AIRBUS UK Limited
  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Commissariat à l’Ènergie Atomique
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
  • Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A.
  • Critical Software S.A.
  • Danieli Automation S.p.A.
  • Delphi France SAS
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
  • Dassault Systemes
  • EADS Deutschland GmbH. – Defence Electronics
  • EADS Deutschland GmbH.
  • Fundación European Software Institute
  • ESTEREL Technologies SA
  • Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V.
  • Formal Software Construction Limited
  • Geensys
  • Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A.
  • Infineon Technologies Austria AG
  • Infineon Technologies AG
  • Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
  • ATHENA – Industrial Systems Institute
  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • National Technical University of Athens
  • OFFIS e.V.
  • Office National d’Études et de Recherches Aérospatiales
  • OSC – Embedded Systems AG
  • Oxford University
  • (Intentionally left blank)
  • SAGEM Defense Sécurité
  • AleniaSIA S.p.A.
  • Siemens AG
  • Stiftelsen SINTEF
  • Quintec Associates Limited
  • Thales Communications S.A.
  • Thales Avionics S.A.
  • Thales SA
  • Alma Mater Studiorum –Università di Bologna
  • The University of Manchester
  • Università degli Studi di Trieste
  • Kompetenzzentrum – Das virtuelle Fahrzeug Forschungs gmbH. (ViF)
  • Volvo Technology Corporation
  • Hispano-Suiza
  • Messier-Bugatti SA