SPICES stands for Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems. SPICES is an EUREKA-ITEA project and ran from 01/09/2006 until 31/08/2009. The SPICES project gathers European (France, Spain, Belgium) partners involved in the domain of mission critical embedded system engineering. The consortium is engaged in the provision of an engineering process supported by tools and software frameworks, emphasising the predictability of integration of real-time and embedded systems that may be the subject to certification constraints.
The aim of the SPICES project is: The proposal of a ‘reconciled’ aproach, by means of new methods and tools to derive from extended AADL descriptions, component-based predictable implementations of mission-critical embedded systems associated with certification issues. We will extend this ADL (architecture description language) to support specific non-functional real-time embedded constraints and to provide run-time execution capabilities.
The project has adopted and contributes to two open technology standards: AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language, an SAE standard) on one hand, and Lightweight-CCM (a real-time embedded component-oriented software platform, an OMG standard).
It relies on new and state of the art analysis and verification techniques, and ensures the necessary links of software artefacts with models. It examines the adoption of a tool-based process in front of certification constraints.
It will provide in-depth evaluation and experience-reports on the use of project tools and guidelines, thanks to the realisation of demonstrators in the Avionics, Space and Communications domains.
- Airbus (France)
- Axlog Ingenierie (France)
- Barco (Belgium)
- CEA-List (France)
- Cetic (Belgium)
- Féria (France): IRIT and LAAS
- K.U.Leuven DistriNet (Belgium)
- Université de Bretagne-Sud Lab-STICC (France)
- SQS (Spain)
- TCP/SI (Spain)
- THALES Avionics (France)
- THALES Communications (France)
- Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)
- Verimag (France)