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Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Aircraft Landing Gear System Using Fiacre

Verification Use Case Fiacre
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Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu
In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case StudyCase Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, jun 2014.

conference paper

 PDF  DOI〈10.1007/978-3-319-07512-9_8〉


We describe our experience with modeling the landing gear system of an aircraft using the formal specification language Fiacre. Our model takes into account the behavior and timing properties of both the physical parts and the control software of this system. We use this formal model to check safety and real-time properties on the system but also to find a safe bound on the maximal time needed for all gears to be down and locked (assuming the absence of failures). Our approach ultimately relies on the model-checking tool Tina, that provides state- space generation and model-checking algorithms for an extension of Time Petri Nets with data and priorities.


  • An extended version of this paper appears as Research Report LAAS N°14104, April 2014.


   author    = {Fronc, Lukasz and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Berthomieu, Bernard},
   title     = {{Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Aircraft Landing Gear System Using Fiacre}},
   booktitle = {ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study -- Case Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z},
   series    = {Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCS)},
   volume    = {433},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-07512-9_8},
   month     = jun, 
   year      = 2014