Silvano Dal Zilio
In JFLA'99 — 10ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, feb 1999.
conference paper
We describe a model of concurrent objects based on the blue calculus, a typed variant of the asynchronous pi-calculus in which the notion of function is directly embedded. We propose a definition for a simple concurrent object-based calculus and show how objects can be translated in BC. We also present the type system for objects derived from our definition and we verify the expressiveness of the object calculus by giving a direct and adequate interpretation of Abadi and Cardelli object calculus, that preserves subtyping.
author = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano},
title = {{Concurrent Objects in the Blue Calculus}},
booktitle = {JFLA'99 -- 10ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs},
month = feb,
year = 1999