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Quiet and Bouncing Objects: Two Migration Abstractions in a Simple Distributed Blue Calculus

Semantics Objects Pi Calculus
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Silvano Dal Zilio
In SOAP'981st International Workshop on Semantics of Objects as Processes, jul 1998.

conference paper

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In this paper, we study a model of migrating objects based on the blue calculus, extended with a very simple system of localities. We show how two migration behaviors can be defined, namely those of bouncing and quiet objects. These migration control abstractions are defined separately from other aspects of the object definition and can be easily reused, thus providing more flexibility in the definition of migration constraints.


   author    = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano},
   title     = {{Quiet and Bouncing Objects: Two Migration Abstractions in a Simple Distributed Blue Calculus}},
   booktitle = {SOAP'98 -- 1st International Workshop on Semantics of Objects as Processes},
   volume    = {NS-98-5},
   publisher = {BRICS Notes Series},
   pages     = {35--42},
   month     = jul, 
   year      = 1998