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From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS (Artifact)

From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS (Artifact)

Verification Time Petri Nets Use Case Tina Fiacre
Table of Contents

Sebastian Altmeyer, Étienne André, Silvano Dal Zilio, Loïc Fejoz, Michael González Harbour, Susanne Graf, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Rafik Henia, Didier Le Botlan, Giuseppe Lipari, Julio Medina, Nicolas Navet, Sophie Quinton, Juan Rivas, Youcheng Sun
Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS) 9(1), jul 2023.


 DOI〈10.4230/DARTS.9.1.4〉  HAL-04254710


We propose here solutions to the FMTV 2015 challenge of a distributed video processing system using four different formalisms, as well as the description of the challenge itself. This artifact contains several solutions to various subchallenges, and instructions and scripts to reproduce these results smoothly.


  • A companion paper, describing the challenge and the solutions, appears in ECRTS 2023 — 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, 2023.  Link


   author  = {Altmeyer, Sebastian and André, Étienne and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Fejoz, Loïc and {González Harbour}, Michael and Graf, Susanne and Gutiérrez, J. Javier and Henia, Rafik and {Le Botlan}, Didier and Lipari, Giuseppe and Medina, Julio and Navet, Nicolas and Quinton, Sophie and Rivas, Juan and Sun, Youcheng},
   title   = {{From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS (Artifact)}},
   journal = {Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS)},
   number  = {1},
   volume  = {9},
   doi = {10.4230/DARTS.9.1.4},
   month   = jul, 
   year    = 2023