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Formal Approach for the Verification of Onboard Autonomous Functions in Observation Satellites

Verification Space
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Vincent Mussot, Silvano Dal Zilio, Loïc Correnson, Serge Rainjonneau, Yves Bardout, Grégoire Scano
In ERTSS 202010th International Congress and Exhibition on Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems, jan 2020.

conference paper

 PDF  HAL-02462058


Best Paper Awards in the category Autonomous and Connected Systems


We propose a new approach for modelling the functional behaviour of an Earth observation satellite. We leverage this approach in order to develop a safety critical software, a “telecommand verifier”, that is in charge of checking onboard whether a sequence of instructions is safe for execution. This new service is needed in order to add more autonomy to satellites. To do so, we propose a new Domain Specific Modelling Language and the toolchain required for integration into an embedded software. This framework is based on the composition of deterministic finite state machines with safety conditions, timeouts, and transitions that accept durations as a parameter. It is able to generate code in the synchronous programming language Lustre from a high-level specification of the satellite. This gives a formal way to derive an event-based algorithm simulating the execution of telecommand sequence and, thereupon, a provably correct onboard verifier.


   author    = {Mussot, Vincent and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Correnson, Loïc and Rainjonneau, Serge and Bardout, Yves and Scano, Grégoire},
   title     = {{Formal Approach for the Verification of Onboard Autonomous Functions in Observation Satellites}},
   booktitle = {ERTSS 2020 -- 10th International Congress and Exhibition on Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems},
   month     = jan, 
   year      = 2020