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Enumerative Parallel and Distributed State Space Construction

Verification Parallelism
Table of Contents

Rodrigo Tacla Saad, Silvano Dal Zilio, François Vernadat, Bernard Berthomieu
preprint, aug 2009.


 PDF  HAL-00494622


presentation at École d’été Temps-Reél (ETR'09)


Model Checking requires high end computers to verify complex systems. Consequently, it is interesting to use a multi-processors architectures in order to have more computational resources available to deal with bigger models. This work presents a survey of parallel and distributed state space construction for Model Checking purpose.


   author      = {{Tacla Saad}, Rodrigo and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Vernadat, François and Berthomieu, Bernard},
   title       = {{Enumerative Parallel and Distributed State Space Construction}},
   month       = aug, 
   year        = 2009