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Time Petri nets with dynamic firing dates: semantics and applications

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Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat
Research Report 14148, LAAS, may 2014.

technical report

 PDF  HAL-00984354


We define an extension of time Petri nets such that the time at which a transition can fire, also called its firing date, may be dynamically updated. Our extension provides two mechanisms for updating the timing constraints of a net. First, we propose to change the static time interval of a transition each time it is newly enabled; in this case the new time interval is given as a function of the current marking. Next, we allow to update the firing date of a transition when it is persistent, that is when a concurrent transition fires. We show how to carry the widely used state class abstraction to this new kind of time Petri nets and define a class of nets for which the abstraction is exact. We show the usefulness of our approach with two applications: first for scheduling preemptive task, as a poor man’s substitute for stopwatch, then to model hybrid systems with non trivial continuous behavior.


   author      = {Fronc, Lukasz and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Berthomieu, Bernard and Vernadat, François},
   title       = {{Time Petri nets with dynamic firing dates: semantics and applications}},
   institution = {LAAS},
   number      = {14148}, 
   month       = may, 
   year        = 2014