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Leveraging polyhedral reductions for solving Petri net reachability problems

Leveraging polyhedral reductions for solving Petri net reachability problems

Verification Petri Reductions Tools Kong
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Nicolas Amat, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 25, dec 2023.


 DOI〈10.1007/s10009-022-00694-8〉  HAL-03973463


We propose a new method that takes advantage of structural reductions to accelerate the verification of reachability properties on Petri nets. Our approach relies on a state space abstraction, called polyhedral abstraction, which involves a combination between structural reductions and sets of linear arithmetic constraints between the marking of places. We propose a new data structure, called a Token Flow Graph (TFG), that captures the particular structure of constraints occurring in polyhedral abstractions. We leverage TFGs to efficiently solve two reachability problems: first to check the reachability of a given marking and then to compute the concurrency relation of a net, that is, all pairs of places that can be marked together in some reachable marking. Our algorithms are implemented in a tool, called Kong, that we evaluate on a large collection of models used during the 2020 edition of the Model Checking Contest. Our experiments show that the approach works well, even when a moderate amount of reductions applies.


  • This is the extended version of a paper presented at SPIN 2021 — International Symposium on Model Checking Software, jun 2021.  Link


   author  = {Amat, Nicolas and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and {Le Botlan}, Didier},
   title   = {{Leveraging polyhedral reductions for solving Petri net reachability problems}},
   journal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer},
    volume  = {25},
   doi = {10.1007/s10009-022-00694-8},
   month   = dec, 
   year    = 2023