You can find most of the publications on my HAL account , or tracked by DBLP .
Latency Analysis of an Aerial Video Tracking System Using Fiacre and Tina
Use Case
Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, Didier Le Botlan
In WATERS 2015 — 6th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (FMTV verification challenge), jul 2015.
In WATERS 2015 — 6th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (FMTV verification challenge), jul 2015.
Symmetry reduced state classes for time petri nets
Time Petri Nets
Pierre-Alain Bourdil, Bernard Berthomieu, Silvano Dal Zilio, François Vernadat
In SAC 2015 — 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, apr 2015.
In SAC 2015 — 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, apr 2015.
Real-Time Model Checking Support for AADL
Architecture Languages
Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat, Mamoun Filali, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, Guillaume Verdier
Research Report 15036, LAAS, mar 2015.
Research Report 15036, LAAS, mar 2015.
Time Petri Nets with Dynamic Firing Dates: Semantics and Applications
Time Petri Nets
Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat
In FORMATS 2014 — 12th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, sep 2014.
In FORMATS 2014 — 12th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, sep 2014.
Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Aircraft Landing Gear System Using Fiacre
Use Case
Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu
In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study — Case Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, jun 2014.
In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study — Case Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, jun 2014.
Time Petri nets with dynamic firing dates: semantics and applications
Time Petri Nets
Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat
Research Report 14148, LAAS, may 2014.
Research Report 14148, LAAS, may 2014.
A formal framework to specify and verify real-time properties on critical systems
Nouha Abid, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS) 5(1/2):4—30, mar 2014.
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems (IJCCBS) 5(1/2):4—30, mar 2014.
An Experiment on Parallel Model Checking of a CTL Fragment
Rodrigo Tacla Saad, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu
In ATVA 2012 — 10th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, oct 2012.
In ATVA 2012 — 10th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, oct 2012.
Towards Timed Requirement Verification for Service Choreographies
Silvano Dal Zilio, Nawal Guermouche
In CollaborateCom 2012 — 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, oct 2012.
In CollaborateCom 2012 — 8th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, oct 2012.
A Verified Approach for Checking Real-Time Specification Patterns
Nouha Abid, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
In VECoS 2012 — 6th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, sep 2012.
In VECoS 2012 — 6th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, sep 2012.