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On the Dynamics of PB Systems: A Petri Net View

Concurrency Semantics Petri
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Silvano Dal Zilio, Enrico Formenti
In WMC 2003Workshop on Membrane Computing, jan 2004.

conference paper

 PDF  DOI〈10.1007/b95207〉


We study dynamical properties of PB systems, a new computational model of biological processes, and propose a compositional encoding of PB systems into Petri nets. Building on this relation, we show that three properties: boundedness, reachability and cyclicity, which we claim are useful in practice, are all decidable.


   author    = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Formenti, Enrico},
   title     = {{On the Dynamics of PB Systems: A Petri Net View}},
   booktitle = {WMC 2003 -- Workshop on Membrane Computing},
   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   volume    = {2933},
   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   doi = {10.1007/b95207},
   pages     = {153--167},
   month     = jan, 
   year      = 2004