Nicolas Amat, Bernard Berthomieu, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
In MSR 2023 — Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs, nov 2023.
conference paper
Poster presentation
Polyhedral equivalence defines a linear dependence relation (E) between the reachable markings of two nets; where E is a Presburger formula, or a system of linear Diophantine equations. This equivalence, denoted (N1, m1) ≡ (N2, m2), preserves enough information in E so that we can rebuild the state space of N1 knowing only the one of N2.
author = {Amat, Nicolas and Berthomieu, Bernard and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and {Le Botlan}, Didier},
title = {{Polyhedral Reductions for Petri nets (Poster)}},
booktitle = {MSR 2023 -- Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs},
month = nov,
year = 2023