Mohammed Foughali, Silvano Dal Zilio, Félix Ingrand
Research Report 19036, LAAS, jan 2019.
The goal of this document is to add to the efforts toward the long-sought objective of secure and safe robots with predictable and a priori known behavior. For this, we give operational semantics to GenoM3, a robotic framework, in terms of timed transition systems TTS. Then, a mathematically proven translation to timed automata extended with urgencies and data DUTA is derived from such semantics. Thus, we provide a mapping from functional components to verifiable models. Since TTS and DUTA are at the heart of a large corpus of formal verification languages and tools (such as UPPAAL, Fiacre, and RT-BIP), the semantics and its translation allow a correct mapping between GenoM3 and such languages/tools. This connection can then be automatized thanks to GenoM3 templates.
author = {Foughali, Mohammed and {Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Ingrand, Félix},
title = {{On the Semantics of the GenoM3 Framework}},
institution = {LAAS},
number = {19036},
month = jan,
year = 2019