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Definition of the Fiacre Real-Time Specification Patterns Language

Verification Fiacre Patterns
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Silvano Dal Zilio, Nouha Abid, Didier Le Botlan, Bernard Berthomieu, François Vernadat, Mamoun Filali, Jean-Paul Bodeveix
Research Report T2-12-B, Quarteft Project deliverable, jan 2011.

technical report



In this report, we define a high-level language for expressing properties over system expressed using Fiacre. Our approach is based on the definition of a set of property patterns inspired by properties that commonly occur during the specification of concurrent and reactive systems.


   author      = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Abid, Nouha and {Le Botlan}, Didier and Berthomieu, Bernard and Vernadat, François and Filali, Mamoun and Bodeveix, Jean-Paul},
   title       = {{Definition of the Fiacre Real-Time Specification Patterns Language}},
   institution = {Quarteft Project deliverable},
   number      = {T2-12-B}, 
   month       = jan, 
   year        = 2011