Silvano Dal Zilio
PhD thesis, Université de Nice - Sophia-Antipolis, jul 1999.
The blue calculus, defined by Boudol, is a variant of the polyadic pi-calculus that directly embeds the notion of function. In this thesis, we define a version of the blue calculus, extended with records, and we study whether it provides a good basis for a typed concurrent programming language with imperative, higher-order, and object features. We notably study the modeling of the functional and object oriented programming idioms, and the addition of polymorphic typing and inheritance.
The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part consists of a detailed analysis of the blue calculus and its expressiveness. In the second part, we define a behavioral equivalence based on the classical notion of barbed congruence, and a labeled bisimulation that is finer than this congruence. We then use up-to proof techniques to prove the validity of several algebraic laws like, for example, an analogous of Milner’s replication theorem for the pi-calculus.
In the third part, we study type systems for the blue calculus. Starting from a simple implicit type system that encompasses both Curry’s type system for the lambda-calculus, and Milner’s sorting for the pi-calculus, we successively propose three extensions of increasing complexity. We study the addition of subtyping, then parametric polymorphism. In this last case, we also study the decidability of the type inference problem. Finally, we study an higher-order type system with recursion and a particular form of bounded universal quantification. This system, that is suitable for the typing of objects, can be intuitively viewed as a Curry style presentation of F-sub. We prove the soundness of this system.
The last part of the thesis is devoted to the study of objects in the blue calculus. We give a typed interpretation of two popular object calculi, namely Abadi-Cardelli’s object calculus — in its functional version, and in its concurrent version —, and the calculus of extensible objects defined by Fisher and Mitchell. Our main contribution is a typed interpretation of the calculus of extensible objects that preserves subtyping.
author = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano},
title = {{Le calcul bleu: types et objets}},
school = {Université de Nice - Sophia-Antipolis},
year = 1999