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XML schema, tree logic and sheaves automata

XML Automata Semantics
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Silvano Dal Zilio, Denis Lugiez
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 17(5):337—377, oct 2006.




XML documents may be roughly described as unranked, ordered trees and it is therefore natural to use tree automata to process or validate them. This idea has already been successfully applied in the context of Document Type Definition (DTD), the simplest standard for defining document validity, but additional work is needed to take into account XML Schema, a more advanced standard, for which regular tree automata are not satisfactory. In this paper, we introduce Sheaves Logic (SL), a new tree logic that extends the syntax of the (recursion-free fragment of) W3C XML Schema Definition Language (WXS). Then, we define a new class of automata for unranked trees that provides decision procedures for the basic questions about SL: model-checking; satisfiability; entailment. The same class of automata is also used to answer basic questions about WXS, including recursive schemas: decidability of type-checking documents; testing the emptiness of schemas; testing that a schema subsumes another one.


   author  = {{Dal Zilio}, Silvano and Lugiez, Denis},
   title   = {{XML schema, tree logic and sheaves automata}},
   journal = {Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing},
   number  = {5},
   volume  = {17},
   doi = {10.1007/s00200-006-0016-7},
   pages   = {337--377},
   month   = oct, 
   year    = 2006