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Checking marking reachability with the state equation in Petri net subclasses
Verification Concurrency Petri
Thomas Hujsa, Bernard Berthomieu, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
preprint, jun 2020.
On the Petri Nets with a Single Shared Place and Beyond
Verification Concurrency Petri
Thomas Hujsa, Bernard Berthomieu, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
preprint, may 2020.
·473 words

Nov 2004 — Feb 2008.

TraLaLA, XML Transformation Languages: logic and applications, is a project funded by ACI MASSES DE DONNÉES.

The objectives of the project is to study the processing, querying and manipulation of data-masses (large amounts of data) available in XML format.

A Typed Calculus for Querying Distributed XML Documents
XML Semantics Concurrency
Lucia Acciai, Michele Boreale, Silvano Dal Zilio
In TGC 20062nd symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, jan 2007.
A Typed Calculus for Querying Distributed XML Documents
XML Semantics Concurrency
Lucia Acciai, Michele Boreale, Silvano Dal Zilio
In NWPT 200517th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, oct 2005.
On the Dynamics of PB Systems: A Petri Net View
Concurrency Semantics Petri
Silvano Dal Zilio, Enrico Formenti
In WMC 2003Workshop on Membrane Computing, jan 2004.
Model Checking Mobile Ambients
Concurrency Mobile Ambients
Witold Charatonik, Silvano Dal Zilio, Andrew D. Gordon, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Jean-Marc Talbot
Theoretical Computer Science 308(1):277—331, nov 2003.
Region analysis and a pi-calculus with groups
Concurrency Semantics Pi Calculus
Silvano Dal Zilio, Andrew D. Gordon
Journal of Functional Programming 12(3):229—292, may 2002.
Fixed Points in the Ambient Logic
Concurrency Semantics Mobile Ambients
Silvano Dal Zilio
In FICS 20013rd Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science, sep 2001.
Mobile Processes: a Commented Bibliography
Concurrency Semantics Pi Calculus
Silvano Dal Zilio
In MOVEP'2K4th Summer school on Modelling and Verification of Parallel processes, jun 2001.