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Mobile Ambients

A Logic you Can Count On
XML Automata Mobile Ambients
Silvano Dal Zilio, Denis Lugiez, Charles Meyssonnier
In POPL 200431st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, jan 2004.
Model Checking Mobile Ambients
Concurrency Mobile Ambients
Witold Charatonik, Silvano Dal Zilio, Andrew D. Gordon, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Jean-Marc Talbot
Theoretical Computer Science 308(1):277—331, nov 2003.
Fixed Points in the Ambient Logic
Concurrency Semantics Mobile Ambients
Silvano Dal Zilio
In FICS 20013rd Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science, sep 2001.
The Complexity of Model Checking Mobile Ambients
Concurrency Mobile Ambients
Witold Charatonik, Silvano Dal Zilio, Andrew D. Gordon, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Jean-Marc Talbot
In FoSSaCS 20014th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, apr 2001.
Spatial Congruence for the Ambients is Decidable
Concurrency Mobile Ambients
Silvano Dal Zilio
In ASIAN'006th Asian Computing Science Conference, nov 2000.