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·520 words

Mar 2006 — Dec 2008.

COPS (Composition des politiques et des services / Composition of Services and Policies) is an ANR funded project studying formal methods for Service Oriented Applications.

·171 words

Sep 2003 — Dec 2006.

CRISS, (Contrôle de Ressources et d’Interférence dans les Systèmes Synchrones) is a French project of ACI SÉCURITÉ INFORMATIQUE.

The CRISS project focuses on security issues raised by mobile code, that occurs in areas as diverse as programmable networks, network games and smart cards. In ths project, we focus on two classes of properties that appear naturally in the context of mobile code: the derivation of bounds on the resources needed to execute code (to avoid denial of service attacks); and control of the flow of information, or non-interference, to avoid leakage of confidential data.