Use Case
From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS (Invited Paper)
Time Petri Nets
Use Case
Sebastian Altmeyer, Étienne André, Silvano Dal Zilio, Loïc Fejoz, Michael González Harbour, Susanne Graf, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Rafik Henia, Didier Le Botlan, Giuseppe Lipari, Julio Medina, Nicolas Navet, Sophie Quinton, Juan Rivas, Youcheng Sun
In ECRTS 2023 — 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, jul 2023.
In ECRTS 2023 — 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems, jul 2023.
From FMTV to WATERS: Lessons Learned from the First Verification Challenge at ECRTS (Artifact)
Time Petri Nets
Use Case
Sebastian Altmeyer, Étienne André, Silvano Dal Zilio, Loïc Fejoz, Michael González Harbour, Susanne Graf, J. Javier Gutiérrez, Rafik Henia, Didier Le Botlan, Giuseppe Lipari, Julio Medina, Nicolas Navet, Sophie Quinton, Juan Rivas, Youcheng Sun
Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS) 9(1), jul 2023.
Dagstuhl Artifacts Series (DARTS) 9(1), jul 2023.
Time-accurate Middleware for the Virtualization of Communication Protocols
Use Case
Rafael Scarduelli, Pierre-Alain Bourdil, Silvano Dal Zilio, Didier Le Botlan
Research Report 18126, LAAS, may 2018.
Research Report 18126, LAAS, may 2018.
Timed Formal Model and Verification of Satellite FDIR in Early Design Phase
Use Case
Alexandre Albore, Silvano Dal Zilio, Marie De Roquemaurel, Christel Seguin, Pierre Virelizier
In ERTS 2018 — 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, jan 2018.
In ERTS 2018 — 9th European Congress on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, jan 2018.
Latency Analysis of an Aerial Video Tracking System Using Fiacre and Tina
Use Case
Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu, Didier Le Botlan
In WATERS 2015 — 6th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (FMTV verification challenge), jul 2015.
In WATERS 2015 — 6th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (FMTV verification challenge), jul 2015.
Model-Checking Real-Time Properties of an Aircraft Landing Gear System Using Fiacre
Use Case
Lukasz Fronc, Silvano Dal Zilio, Bernard Berthomieu
In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study — Case Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, jun 2014.
In ABZ 2014: The Landing Gear Case Study — Case Study Track, 4th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z, jun 2014.